Fundamental Formulas of Physics, Volume Two Группа авторов

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Группа авторов - Fundamental Formulas of Physics, Volume Two краткое содержание

The republication of this book, unabridged and corrected, fills the need for a comprehensive work on fundamental formulas of mathematical physics. It ranges from simple operations to highly sophisticated ones, all presented most lucidly with terms carefully defined and formulas given completely. In addition to basic physics, pertinent areas of chemistry, astronomy, meteorology, biology, and electronics are also included.This is no mere listing of formulas, however. Mathematics is integrated into text, for the most part, so that each chapter stands as a brief summary or even short textbook of the field represented. The book, therefore, fills other needs than the primary function of reference and guide for research. The student will find it a handy review of familiar fields and an aid to gaining rapid insight into the techniques of new ones.The teacher will study it as a useful guide to a broad concept of physics. The chemist, astronomer, meteorologist, biologist, and engineer will not only derive valuable aid from their special chapters, but will understand how their specialty fits into the large scheme of physics.Vol. 1 chapter titles: Basic Mathematical Formulas, Statistics, Nomograms, Physical Constants, Classical Mechanics, Special Theory of Relativity, The General Theory of Relativity, Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics, Boundary Value Problems in Mathematical Physics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, Kinetic Theory of Gases: Viscosity, Thermal Conduction, and Diffusion, Electromagnetic Theory, Electronics, Sound and Acoustics.Vol. 2 chapter titles: Geometrical Optics, Physical Optics, Electron Optics, Molecular Spectra, Atomic Spectra, Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear Theory, Cosmic Rays and High-Energy Phenomena, Particle Accelerators, Solid State, Theory of Magnetism, Physical Chemistry, Basic Formulas of Astrophysics, Celestial Mechanics, Meteorology, Biophysics.

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