Continuum Mechanics A. J. M. Spencer

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A. J. M. Spencer - Continuum Mechanics краткое содержание

The mechanics of fluids and the mechanics of solids represent the two major areas of physics and applied mathematics that meet in continuum mechanics, a field that forms the foundation of civil and mechanical engineering. This unified approach to the teaching of fluid and solid mechanics focuses on the general mechanical principles that apply to all materials. Students who have familiarized themselves with the basic principles can go on to specialize in any of the different branches of continuum mechanics. This text opens with introductory chapters on matrix algebra, vectors and Cartesian tensors, and an analysis of deformation and stress. Succeeding chapters examine the mathematical statements of the laws of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy as well as the formulation of the mechanical constitutive equations for various classes of fluids and solids. In addition to many worked examples, this volume features a graded selection of problems (with answers, where appropriate). Geared toward undergraduate students of applied mathematics, it will also prove valuable to physicists and engineers. 1992 edition.

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