Children with Seizures Martin L. Kutscher

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Серия: JKP Essentials
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Martin L. Kutscher - Children with Seizures краткое содержание

This concise, accessible handbook for families, friends and carers of children with seizures provides all the information they need to approach seizures from a position of strength. Part 1 discusses types and causes of seizures, and what to do during a seizure. The medical concepts and technical terminology as well as the available tests and treatments, including anticonvulsant medication, are clearly explained. The author also addresses some of the emotional and social issues that may arise, and there are chapters for kids and teens to read themselves or with their parents. Part 2 covers some of the most common epilepsy syndromes in more detail. Further reading and useful contacts are also provided. This reassuring, informal, and upbeat book will reinforce and help clarify the discussion with the child's treating medical professional.

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