Path Integral Quantization Mark S Swanson

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Серия: IOP ebooks
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Mark S Swanson - Path Integral Quantization краткое содержание

This book is a self-contained and concise introduction to the techniques and applications of path integral quantization and functional techniques, aimed at students and practitioners. The first half of the text focuses on quantum mechanics, including a review of the action formulation of classical mechanics and quantum mechanics in the Dirac operator and state formalism, and further examination of the path integral. The second part examines relativistic field theories, reviewing special relativity, as well as derivation of the path integral representation of the vacuum transition element for quantized scalar, spinor, and vector fields from the coherent state representation of the respective field theories. Key Features Concise introduction to the derivation and methods of path integral approaches to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.Self-contained guide for students and practitioners

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