Awestruck Tim Cooper

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Tim Cooper - Awestruck краткое содержание

Have you ever met someone who changed your life? Have you ever met someone who left you speechless? Have you ever met someone who left you amazed? Have you ever met someone that left you awestruck? It was an everyday occurrence when real people encountered Jesus for the first time. Time after time they found their lives turned upside down after their encounter. There was the career fisherman who dropped his nets and found his cross. There was the crippled man taking his first steps. The blind opened their eyes to see Jesus for the first time. There was the woman who bled for more than a decade who rejoiced in her first day of relief. There was the father who welcomed his daughter back to life. The Gospel of Mark captures these encounters and more. These weren't everyday encounters. These were life-altering events that changed the course of history one life at a time. Mark shows everyday men and women left awestruck by their encounters with God in the flesh finding new life and fresh perspective each step of the way. The best part is that God still desires those encounters for us today.

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