Getting to Great James Orlikoff E.

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James Orlikoff E. - Getting to Great краткое содержание

Dennis D. Pointer and James E. Orlikoff, two of the most experienced and highly regarded governance consultants in the country, have written a definitive guide for health care boards that want to maximize their performance and help their organizations reach full potential. Getting to Great presents a set of easily applied principles and best practices based on a model that has been proven to strengthen health care governance. Filled with tools and techniques, this practical guide includes * A model of health care governance used by the best health care boards * Seventy-two governance principles and associated practices and tips on helping the board to use them * Checkups for assessing a board * Guidelines for implementing principle-based governance This guide will be an invaluable resource for health care board members and executives who are committed to investing in their organization's future.

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