Pursuing Justice Marion Julius

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Marion Julius - Pursuing Justice краткое содержание

Marion Julius shares her story about the bad experience she had with the New South Wales Police Force in Australia. The shocking and terrible service she got no help at police stations and she had been receiving death threats and was followed being victimized by person/s. She was victimized because she helped a missing person in Australian she warns people the dangers and problems that come if you choose to help with these unsolved crimes. Explaining all the negative and unpleasant events and situations she had to deal with as no support, protection or help was given by the New South Wales Police Force in Australia. Helping the model Revelle Balmain and her family over the years she talks about how she loved to help them and how she waits and hopes that justice will be done for this beautiful and loving family she encourages everyone to support helping find Revelle Balmain.

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