Maths from Scratch for Biologists Alan Cann J.

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Alan Cann J. - Maths from Scratch for Biologists краткое содержание

Numerical ability is an essential skill for everyone studying the biological sciences but many students are frightened by the 'perceived' difficulty of mathematics, and are nervous about applying mathematical skills in their chosen field of study. Having taught introductory maths and statistics for many years, Alan Cann understands these challenges and just how invaluable an accessible, confidence building textbook could be to the fearful student. Unable to find a book pitched at the right level, that concentrated on why numerical skills are useful to biologists, he wrote his own. The result is Maths from Scratch for Biologists , a highly instructive, informal text that explains step by step how and why you need to tackle maths within the biological sciences. Features: * An accessible, jargon-busting approach to help readers master basic mathematical, statistical and data handling techniques in biology * Numerous end of chapter problems to reinforce key concepts and encourage students to test their newly acquired skills through practise * A handy, time-saving glossary * A supplementary website with numerous problems and self-test exercises

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