The Sales Leaders Playbook Nathan Jamail

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Nathan Jamail - The Sales Leaders Playbook краткое содержание

Winning is not a &#39;some of the time&#39; activity it is an &#39;all of the time&#39; activity. Success in sales takes talent, skills, discipline, practice, and most importantly honesty with a genuine concern for the client. Most sales leaders know what to do &ndash; they just do not know how to make it real for their organization. This barrier keeps them mediocre at best.<br><br>Experienced sales professional and entrepreneur, Nathan Jamail has developed a playbook of techniques and best practices, which have allowed hundreds of sales teams to find success in their selling. From creating an organizational belief system to taking the bullet for those you lead, The Sales Leaders Playbook focuses on how to build a winning team. Nothing in this book is theory &ndash; it is based on personal experiences learned throughout Nathan Jamail&#39;s extensive sales career.<br><br>The Sale Leaders Playbook is a book written for sales leader by a sales leader &ndash; designed to be straightforward, easy to read, and simple to understand. The ability to execute the skills and programs outlined requires effort. It takes a sales leader who is willing to hold a team accountable and more importantly hold themselves accountable. Mastering these sales leadership skills will:<br><br>* Increase team morale<br><br>* Improve skills and abilities<br><br>* Improve communications<br><br>* Increase sales and profits

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