Life Balance Группа авторов

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Группа авторов - Life Balance краткое содержание

A popular aphorism suggests that in the end, no one ever regretted not spending more time in the office. Yet during our lives and careers we often seem to confuse our priorities, shifting our focus so that we end up with clients whom we know extremely well and families who are de facto strangers. In this book, widely renowned consultant Alan Weiss—cited as «a worldwide expert in executive education» in Success Magazine—tells how to blend life, work, and relationships in a way that will help anyone to work smarter and live better. Weiss draws on scores of interviews and vignettes with highly successful consultants to offer nontheoretical, pragmatic advice on living a balanced life, including how to: Work smart and not hard Have time to fulfill your passions Build on success, not on correcting weakness Give yourself short- and long-term personal rewards Take risks and reinvent yourself (again and again) Play to win— but ignore the score and reward the effort Influence others while surrendering the need to control Visualize the future

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