The Markets Never Sleep. Global Insights for More Consistent Trading Patsy Dow Busby

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Patsy Dow Busby - The Markets Never Sleep. Global Insights for More Consistent Trading краткое содержание

Praise for The Markets Never Sleep «An excellent primer for futures and the global financial market, a clear voice of their importance for all traders. Tom also gives an easy-to-understand professional approach to discipline, money management, and the 'numbers' to watch that indicate market direction. Help for all traders to earn bigger, more consistent profits.» –Ned W. Bennett, CEO, optionsXpress, Inc. «Well . . . they've done it again! Tom and Patsy have written another insightful and entertaining book on understanding and trading the world's markets. The Markets Never Sleep shows how to analyze all the global markets and use timing and money management to control losses and reap significant rewards without using up all of one's emotional energy. In other words, everything needed to make trading fun and profitable!» –Russ Mothershed, former corporate executive and current DTI student «Trading follows the sun, as Busby points out, and with a click of one's mouse, traders today have the full advantage of global trading. Busby makes a compelling case for opportunistic trading. In an easy-to-follow outline, he shares trading strategies to ensure a high probability of profit. The Markets Never Sleep is a must-read for traders and investors who seek insight navigating the global markets.» –Chuck Dukas, President,

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