Gathering Lies Meg O'Brien

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Meg O'Brien - Gathering Lies краткое содержание

A GATHERING OF WOMEN…Six women have come to Thornberry, a small writers' colony on a tiny island off the coast of Seattle. They have come to work on their own writing at this secluded resort, but they have also come to hide, each harboring her own secret.A GATHERING OF DREAD…A devastating earthquake quickly shatters the haven these women have found. The resort is partly in ruin, communication has been cut off from the mainland, and the women are forced to rely on each other for basic survival. Then a man washes up on shore. Is he the salvation they've been looking for…or an even greater threat to their survival?A GATHERING OF LIES…Sarah Lansing, former Seattle public defender, remains suspicious of the man–someone from her past. And when another man arrives–this time a stranger–and one of the women dies in an apparent accident, Sarah suspects that they are stuck on the island with a murderer. But which man poses the greatest threat? And, most importantly, which of the remaining women hides a secret so devastating that it could put all their lives in danger?

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