The Final Kill Meg O'Brien

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Meg O'Brien - The Final Kill краткое содержание

Abby Northrup finally has the quiet life she s dreamed of, living in Carmel at the former monastery she purchased and renovated. But The Prayer House is more than a peaceful home for Abby–unofficially it is an underground safe haven for abused women and children.And when an old friend and her daughter appear on Abby's front step looking for safe haven, Abby's tranquil life begins to dissolve.Alicia Gerard is the wife of a wealthy business tycoon with strong connections to the political world. Abby agrees to take Alicia and her daughter in, but when FBI agents swarm the building looking for them, Abby finds herself trapped in a world of murder, conspiracy and threats to national security. On the run from government agents who make their own rules, Abby must decide which of her beliefs are worth dying for–and which ones are not.

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