Crimson Rain Meg O'Brien

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Meg O'Brien - Crimson Rain краткое содержание

Paul and Gina Bradley did all they could to create the perfect family. When they discovered they could not have children of their own, they adopted twin girls, intent on giving them a good home.But something was terribly wrong with Angela, one of the twins, and after a terrifying event, Paul and Gina returned five-year-old Angela to St. Sympatica's Orphanage, assured that she would get excellent psychiatric care.Now, sixteen years later, the Bradley family is crumbling. Paul and Gina have drifted apart and are only going through the motions of a marriage for Angela's twin, Rachel. But Rachel is beginning to act like a total stranger, and they begin to wonder if she isn't suffering from the same problems that plagued her sister.When Rachel disappears just after Christmas, Paul and Gina are forced to pull together–for the sake of their family, for their very survival. Because someone has unleashed a vengeful fury on the Bradleys.

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