The Mighty Quinns: Marcus, Ian & Declan: The Mighty Quinns: Marcus / The Mighty Quinns: Ian / The Mighty Quinns: Declan Kate Hoffmann

The Mighty Quinns: Marcus, Ian & Declan: The Mighty Quinns: Marcus / The Mighty Quinns: Ian / The Mighty Quinns: Declan скачать fb2

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Kate Hoffmann - The Mighty Quinns: Marcus, Ian & Declan: The Mighty Quinns: Marcus / The Mighty Quinns: Ian / The Mighty Quinns: Declan краткое содержание

Back by popular demand! These great value titles feature stories from Mills & Boon fans' favourite authors. Bestselling writer Kate Hoffmann presents three gorgeous, very sexy brothers – The Mighty QuinnsMarcusBoat restorer Marcus Quinn is not planning on sleeping with the infamous Eden Ross. When he discovers the poor little rich girl stowaway, he tries his best to ignore her topless sunbathing and blatant teasing. But when that fails, what else can he do but give her exactly what she’s asking for – frenzied, brain-numbing sex? And a little bit more… IanFree-spirited artist Marisol has never met a man like police chief Ian Quinn. He’s so strong, so upright…so irresistibly tempting. If only Marisol wasn’t hiding a few secrets from her past – secrets that Ian, as an officer of the law, cannot find out… Still,with the blazing chemistry raging between them, keeping Ian distracted shouldn’t be a problem…DeclanSecurity expert Declan Quinn knows he has a way with women. So when he’s assigned the job of guarding radio sex-pert Rachel Merrell, he figures he’ll get her cooperation by charming his way into her good graces. And if she’s as gorgeous as her photo, maybe her bed, too. . . Luckily, the lady doesn’t need any persuading…

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