Getting Started in Personal and Executive Coaching Chris Stout E.

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Chris Stout E. - Getting Started in Personal and Executive Coaching краткое содержание

Find satisfaction and financial success with a new career in coaching Getting Started in Personal and Executive Coaching offers a go-to reference designed to help every mental health professional build, manage, and sustain a thriving coaching practice. Packed with hundreds of proven strategies and techniques, this nuts-and-bolts guide covers all aspects of the coaching business with step-by-step instructions and real-world illustrations that prepare you for every phase of starting your own coaching business. This single, reliable book offers straightforward advice and tools for running a successful practice, including: * Seven tools for making a great first impression * Fifteen strategies for landing ten paying clients * Seven secrets of highly successful coaches * Ten marketing mistakes to avoid Complete with sample business and marketing plans and worksheets for setting rates and managing revenue, Getting Started in Personal and Executive Coaching identifies the fifteen biggest moneymaking markets to target and offers valuable recommendations for financing that get the most impact and mileage from every budget. Quick «Action Steps» for applying ideas and techniques make this book useful right away. Get started in coaching today!

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