Наше издание из тех кулинарных книг, о которых мечтают даже опытные хозяйки. Она не только знакомит читателей с преимуществами, основами и всевозможными способами консервирования и заготовок в домашних условиях, но и позволяет сделать это, максимально сохраняя полезные свойства фруктов, овощей, зелени и грибов. В книгу вошли лучшие рецепты, проверенные на практике и способные удовлетворить любой вкус: здесь и простые, и оригинальные, и традиционные, и инновационные, для начинающих и опытных...
With picture books, a child can see, feel, hear and even smell India. Picture books are multi-sensory experiences that challenge your child's senses. They tackle the part of the brain that is responsible for logic. Make learning fun and easy to remember with the use of this picture book. Grab a copy today!
Sakura and sushi are only two things about Japan that the world knows about. There are so many more to love about the country, and this book will give you a glimpse of what those other reasons are. Picture books not only make learning fun but also encourages self-awareness. They provide the opportunity for children to associate with the world. Order your copy now!
Как красиво выглядят в баночках маленькие помидорки черри, корнишоны, луковички, патиссоны и перчики, а также кумкваты, фейхоа, мандаринцики.
Только простые рецепты традиционных и оригинальных блюд.
Полезные советы по приготовлению.
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The Middle East is a foreign kingdom that requires knowledge of their special culture and religion before you set foot on any country within its boundaries. You will amazed by how beautiful the land is, as depicted in the pages of this picture book. This book will take you on an amazing journey to land of spices and oil. Secure your copy today!
Here are some wonderful new recipe ideas that help you to liven up a meal with a simple sambal or dip as an accompaniment, or spice up a good cut of meat with a mouth-watering marinade. Each recipe is easy to follow, with clear step-by-step instructions that give perfect results every time.
How to cook 50 cultural recipes, has been made up of traditional asia and english homemade dishes. A combination of some affordable meals and some simple meals, giving you ideas for dinner.