Piece Of Mind Sandy MacGregor

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Sandy MacGregor - Piece Of Mind краткое содержание

This book is about :<br><br>1. Accessing the subconscious 88% PIECE of your mind to:<br> * Relaxation and Releasing Stress in 30 seconds<br> * Accelerating Your Learning<br> * Achieving Goals Faster<br><br>2. An Effective Technique which you can apply to such things as:<br><br>* Handling Pain and Loss <br>* Improving Sport Ability <br>* Using Your Creativity <br>* Increasing Your IQ <br>* Increasing Sales and Productivity <br>* Excelling Academically <br>* Doing Well in Subjects You Hate <br>* Having a Great Self Image <br><br>Reviews Piece of Mind is an Australian Best Seller!!<br><br> &quot;Motivational and Inspirational – Sandy tells it in a way you can get it!&quot;<br> – Steve Snyder International Educator and Seminar Leader<br> &quot;Sandy Explains stress release, memory improvement and subconscious mind in layman&#39;s terms. The techniques are simple and they work!&quot;<br> – Andrew Matthews: Author of International Best Seller &quot;Being Happy&quot;

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