Switch On To Your Inner Strength Sandy MacGregor

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Sandy MacGregor - Switch On To Your Inner Strength краткое содержание

This book reaches out to those who are hungry for information. It is about that wonderful robust quality we all have&mdash;our inner strength.<br><br>Twenty Australians tell stories of enhancing their lives by reaching into themselves.<br><br>Switch on to Your Inner Strength is a practical manual describing how to tap into this vibrant source of personal power and how to use it deliberately.<br><br>THIS BOOK IS ABOUT<br>* Sandy&#39;s encounter with grief and &quot;letting go&quot;<br>* Self esteem, self worth and self image<br>* Daily techniques based on verified research<br>* The importance of love in your life<br>* Acceptance, guilt, anger and forgiveness<br>* An easy and practical approach to meditation<br>* How thoughts impact our lives<br>* Relaxation for stress release, harmony and tranquillity<br>* How to handle pain<br>* Six guided imageries for personal use<br>* The use of imagination to influence health and healing<br>* How to tap the mind for creativity<br>* Skills to cope with every day life stresses&mdash;the balance between relationships, employment, family, finance, leisure, spiritual development …<br><br>&quot;Not until we&#39;re challenged by adversity do we really experience our inner strength. This book is about how to use your inner strength, at any time, to enhance your peace and power.&quot;

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