Creating Happiness Intentionally Sandy MacGregor

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If you had security – in income, in work, in love, in safety, in health and more – would that lead to your happiness? If you had more friends, a family, a better career, abundance in all things you need – would that lead to your happiness? <br><br>Are you Living Your Life Purpose? Are you getting what you want in life? Maybe you would like to make some changes, in areas such as your abundance, your relationships, a lack of intimacy, things that frustrate you, or your career. But for some reason don&#39;t believe you can, or don&#39;t deserve it. Have you ever wondered why it&#39;s so difficult to make real and lasting changes in your life? The changes you know you want to, and should make, but somehow never get around to, like your diet. your exercise. or your health? The essence of this book is about really getting on track and creating balance with your life so that you can actually live your dreams. You use the powerful CALM mind techniques to discover the main purpose of your life, to decide on goals that support you in all areas of your life, and to make sure that your values, the things that drive you, truly support those goals. By &quot;doing&quot; this book you will arrive at your &quot;Life&#39;s Purpose Now&quot;. This knowledge is a potent force that will lead you towards the life you desire.

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