Eating for Sustained Energy 4 Gabi Steenkamp

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Gabi Steenkamp - Eating for Sustained Energy 4 краткое содержание

Are you tired and lacking energy? Struggling to improve your performance on the sports field, or in need of something that will help your child concentrate better? Then Eating for Sustained Energy 4, the latest in the bestselling Eating for Sustained Energy series of recipe books, is for you. Gabi Steenkamp and Liesbet Delport wrote it in response to their patients' need for practical, easy ways to include slow-release carbohydrates in their diet. The glycemic index (GI) is a physiological measure of the effect of carbohydrates on blood glucose levels. It is the perfect instrument for controlling these levels effectively and consistently and what's more, it can help give you sustained energy throughout the day. Liesbet and Gabi have found in practice that the more their patients apply the GI principle, the greater the benefits they experience.

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